The Climate Crisis and the Literary Imagination
A Reading and Discussion with the Ecocriticism Research Collective
Beschreibung: What is the role of literature in addressing climate change? Which texts explore anthropogenic planetary impacts? Join the Ecocriticism Research Collective for discussions on these and other questions relating to nature and literature. In this public zoom session, we will briefly introduce you to the field of Ecocriticism and our work as Ecocritics and then turn to recommending and reading from an array of texts which deal with nature, human-nature relationships, and issues of the Anthropocene.
Anmerkungen: Poster zur Veranstaltung:!ApoH9roKZRCrmatpWQJihhXxLtBICQ?e=h8Hhet
The Ecocriticism Research Collective is an association of PhD students and research assistants, all of whom are working on their PhD in the field of Ecocriticism under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Caroline Rosenthal ( )
Zugang: Zoom, Session ID: 938 6093 2343
Password: Ecocritics