Global climate policies - the problem of (missing) commitment
Dr. Markus Pasche
M I T T W O C H ( 2 4 . 1 1 . 2 0 2 1 )
1 8 - 1 9 U h r
Institution: FSU, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Lehrstuhl VWL / Makroökonomik
Art des Beitrags: Vortrag mit Diskussion
Beschreibung: Climate
policy negotiations between countries suffer from weak enforcement as
there are no sanctions in case of insufficient policies and
non-accomplishment of national goals. Improvements of climate policy
negotiations are possible by making use of insights from game theory.
Higher cooperation level could be achieved by reciprocity mechanisms
which lead to credible commitment. We argue that it might be unwise to
unilaterally commit to strict climate policies, and to use trade
agreements as a strong vehicle to reinforce climate policies in other
Anmerkungen: Vortrag und Diskussion auf Englisch, In Präsenz gilt die 2G-Regelung der Stadt Jena
Raum: SR 207, Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3
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Meeting ID: 624 4776 0451
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